如果/当 2023年11月14日



在这一集的如果/当, 正规博彩十大网站排名 Vice President and Market Strategist of Global Program Management Jilma吉梅内斯 分享s her insights on the factors putting pressure on supply chains today and the strategies that organizations can take to minimize their risks, as well as some examples of emerging technology useful in addressing supply chain challenges in the construction industry.




Jilma吉梅内斯 是一个有远见的人, 引人入胜的, and inspirational leader with more than 30 years of experience in the management of engineering companies and projects. Her diverse and extensive background encompasses various roles within the engineering consulting field.

现任雅各布斯全球项目管理团队副总裁兼市场策略师, she applies her wealth of expertise to assess organizational performance and lead initiatives that sustain competitive advantage, 启用策略实现, 并支持高管的决策.

除了她多方面的工程职业生涯外,她还拥有丰富的经验. Jiménez is an expert in the realm of infrastructure construction supply chain management having spearheaded supply chain strategies for multibillion-dollar construction programs.

Jilma’s strategic thinking and adaptability have been key in navigating the complexities of the construction industry particularly since the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic. 她积极主动地降低风险, 利用机会, and applying strategic escalation pricing techniques sets her apart as a trusted expert.

Jilma’s expertise isn't confined to construction programs; she also stays ahead of industry trends, 新兴技术, and innovative contracting models to enhance efficiency and sustainability in the construction supply chain.



In 正规博彩十大网站排名’ series of interviews with some of today’s leading industry and academic problem solvers, we discuss the Ifs and Whens of disruption — those phenomena with the potential to unsettle the status quo, 以及那些即将发生的和正在出现的. 这个系列的特点是各种各样的客人, 包括高管, 名人, 学者, 宇航员, 医生, 将军, 音乐家, 工程师和科学家, 大家都在讨论一系列话题, 气候变化, 数据科学, 创造力, 对网络安全, 还有更多. 对话和参与 如果/当 series from 正规博彩十大网站排名 seeks to provide a forum for the curious minded to hear from diverse voices on a diversity of subjects.
